Yesterday I had to get a Kaolin Water Staff. All I had in me was some crappy 8k. So eventually my luck turned out to be good - sold brohn's staff to a completely random guy, who I accidently saw saying that he want it, and I thought - whatever, I'd say 22k to give it ago - there it goes, he said ok and bough it. Later I was figuring out how to find more cash and eventually I decided to sell some crappy old greens. Sold Yakslapper + Wroths holy rod @ 15 both... I was pretty amazed that prices can go up like this for items that noone is really looking for. However, I went back to "buying kaolin water staff" spaming and in 1 or 2 hours, as I was switching between all the districts, it turned out that I have been in the Italian one too. So a guy says "I have it"... OKay, I offered him 30k. He told me that he wants to ask his friend about it, I said ok and waited. Well, his friend wasn't there. So I told him that I really want that staff ASAP and that I offer him 35k. Than he called me in the monastery and guess what, after ~30mins spent talking with the guy he puts a Kaolin Rit Wand in the trade window. Of course with a -_- on my face I took off and soon after that I found some guy whose price was 30k. Even though it took me loong time to find it I was happy at the end. But really, you should at least know what your selling, right?